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Wildlife Animal 

Squirrel getting into home

Our Wildlife control process:

Wildlife Inspection:
The wildlife inspection marks the beginning of our wildlife control service. We understand the importance of identifying the type of pest that has entered your home, and for that, we take measurements of your house and the entry points used by the wildlife to get inside. Based on this information, we can create a wildlife control plan tailored specifically to your home's needs.


Wildlife Treatment:
Our wildlife control treatment process consists of two parts. Firstly, we focus on getting the animals out of your house using one-way doors. These doors are installed in the areas that the wildlife is already using to get in and out. Once the wildlife inside the house exits through the door, they will be unable to get back inside. We typically leave the one-way doors in place for about a month to ensure that all animals inside have exited.

Secondly, we perform exclusion work, which entails a total exclusion to seal all entry points around the exterior of your house, ensuring that pests cannot get back inside. Our exclusion work comes with a one-year warranty for your peace of mind.


*Please note that if pests have their young with them, we will delay removal until they mature. Once they have matured, we will provide the necessary service to remove them from your home and prevent them from returning.


Keep wildlife out of your home

Encountering wildlife like raccoons, squirrels, and opossums outdoors is usually not a problem, as long as you keep your distance. However, once they get inside your home in Jasper, AL, they become a serious nuisance. Wildlife can cause a wide range of problems when they take up residence in your house, from damaging your belongings to posing a risk to your family's safety.

Eliminating wildlife from your home can be a difficult task. Attempting to do it on your own may not yield the desired results and can pose a significant threat to your physical well-being. Therefore, it is advisable to seek the assistance of professionals like Pest X. We provide reliable wildlife control services that ensure the complete and safe elimination of wildlife from your premises while also taking necessary measures to prevent the issue from recurring.


What Does wildlife removal and  Control cost?

Determining the cost of wildlife control can be challenging without a proper inspection. Several factors such as the type of animal, its number, location, condition (dead or alive), the necessary equipment, and the need for exclusion work can affect the overall cost. However, there is no need to worry as our inspection and estimation services come free of charge. To get started with your wildlife control process, feel free to give us a call or fill out the form.

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